Beatitude People


                                                               The Beatitude People

In reality, Beatitude People cannot help being the way they are.  They are the way they are because they are partakers of the Christ-life.  These characteristics, known as the Beatitudes, are the qualities of life that God’s children receive from their Heavenly Father.  These blessings are the gifts of a loving God to His people.

This is why people-of-the-world and Beatitude People are so different; Beatitude People live because Christ lives within, the people-of-the-world live lives of the flesh.  People-of-the-world are prone to:

  •       Be prideful,
  •       Rejoice in sin,
  •       Assert themselves at the expense of others, and
  •       They crave the things of this world.

The man or woman of the world much prefers vengeance to mercy; for them purity is an unrewarding restriction, and peacemaking is a hazard to be avoided in the same way one avoids standing in front of an approaching truck.  Common sense tells them to do whatever is necessary to escape persecution.  The people-of-the-world are not only different than the Beatitude People, the people-of-the-world don’t even understand folk marked by these beatitude qualities.  Long before Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, David described Beatitude People in the first part of Psalm 1.  He totally describes the people-of-the-world with one negative statement in the middle of the Psalm, “. . . the wicked are not so. . ..” There is a fundamental difference

Beatitude People find in themselves a desire to be more like their Master.  The Beatitude Woman or Man is frustrated because the influence of the world and the limitations of the flesh conspire to hinder them from expressing on the outside these traits which God has placed within.  Man-of-the-world says, “I don’t see how these Beatitude People can live like that!”   The Beatitude Person says,” Oh that I could live more like that!”

Here is the secret to the life lived by a Beatitude Person: They are the way they are because they were born that way—not the first time, but the second. Beatitude People are blessed because they are partakers of the Divine life.  God is determined to bless Beatitude People, and so, they are blessed..

All that the Beatitude Woman or Man is, and all that he or she will be, is a product of God’s grace.

Blessed are the People of the Beatitudes.



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