Session #3 notes, I Am Here to be Guided by the Mind of Christ


Eudoia and Syteche are not alone.

·       Employees in United States companies spend approximately 2.8 hours each week involved in conflict. This amounts to around $359 billion in hours paid that are filled with – and focused on – conflict instead of on positive productivity. The figure is the equivalent of 385 million days on the job going toward the goal of arguing, as opposed to being put toward collaboration. A full day of productivity each month. This is 2-1/2 weeks of productivity each year (CPP Inc., 2008). (

·       A third (35%) of employees also reported having experienced some form of interpersonal conflict – either an isolated dispute or ongoing difficult relationship – over the past year. (

·       "Currently, managers spend over 4 hours a week dealing with conflict on average," says John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership at The Myers-Briggs Company and who carried out the study. (

·       One organization, Myers-Briggs, did a survey on workplace conflict in 2008 and then again last year. It’s up. One article I read indicated that it had doubled.


Top 3 reasons pastors are considering quitting (I think this is USA based):

      Stress, Political divisions, Loneliness and isolation

In a recent survey of missionaries who left their field of service, 64% agreed with this statement, “There was a conflict on my team.”


Psalm 133:1-3, One of the best things you can do as a leader is to live peaceably with those with whom you work, and to help others each me get along. All of us need to be “Loyal Yokefellow.”

In assessing Billy Graham’s approach to handling criticism [one observer said,] “His seemingly preferred mode is to go directly to the people causing him the most pain and basically say, ‘Teach me.’” (Myra & Shelly, Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham, 84)


There is a word that Paul emphasizes in the Book Philippians, Phroneo, φρονέω. Out of the 38 times this word is found in the NT, 11 are found in this little book. Use a concordance or a search program that lets you search by Strong’s numbers to investigate.

·       16:23

·       Rom 8:5

·       Rom 12;3

·       Rom 15:5 (same wording as in Philippians)

·       2 Cor 13:11

·       Col 3:2


How does this solution apply to conflicts in your area of ministry?

1.       A joyful, pleasant culture.

2.       It’s not about who is right and who is wrong.

3.       It’s different than me winning.

4.       It’s different than me giving in.

5.       It is not the same thing as compromise

       It is to be heavenly-minded.

I encourage you to read “Beatitude People.” You’ll find it on the Conference Blog,

It's less than a page long, so it won’t take you long to read it.

Text Box: I encourage you to read “Beatitude People.” You’ll find it on the Conference Blog,
It's less than a page long, so it won’t take you long to read it.


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